Thursday, July 24, 2014


    I spent the last two nights with an Indigenous education program. Something happened that made me stop and take a deep breath.
As I was about to tune my guitar with an app on my phone, I dropped my phone on the soft sand, and it broke, I thought "How strange it would break like that...?" As I performed my stories of struggle and change my capo snapped in half....I thought "Huh, I've never once had that happen in all the years of playing..." When I left the gathering the second night I noticed someone ran into my car and left, I thought "S**t, what's going on here?" I couldn't tune my guitar or play my songs in the keys I had felt were most comfortable and now I have to pay for someone else's mistake... 
As a performer I have learned to disconnect from discomfort and be present in the moment, so that's what I did. As I performed in front of these children my songs of my journey, the wind blew my hair in my face, my voice was dry and cracking and out of breath from nerves, I had to decide on what my purpose was for that moment. I remember speaking of courage, I asked if they knew what the definition was? I regained focus on the fact that the reason I'm here today and not strung out on drugs, in jail or dead like many of my people, is because of the ones that came to me when I was broken and helped lift me up( Johnny Bear Contreras ). Now it's my turn. I promised to give back from all of which I had taken, to return the favor and so that's what I'm doing here. It's not about me and my things, it's about teaching these kids to care for this earth and for each other. #ItsAboutUs

"My heart is a flower. That blooms every hour. I believe in the power...of love." -Amos Lee

Monday, July 21, 2014

Love = Love

What is life without love? Bob Marley said it best “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the one worth suffering for.”

Alex & Sierra are two young extremely talented kids who are the same age, who are madly in love, who perform as an amazing duo and who just won the 3rd and final X Factor USA! They are on top of the world in every way. I love their music so much because it takes me back to when I first met my awesome wife Lacey Boyer Cannon. I fell madly in love with her as soon as I heard her telling a co-worker about her wild dream she had of doughnuts. I knew I had every odd against me but it didn't stop me from vigorously pursuing the most lovely human I have ever met. Hard work shouldn't discourage you from what gives your heart life, so until this day I do everything in my power to keep that fire stoked.

Love is bigger then just you and I. It's almost as if there's a magical connection between all human beings. When one person opens their heart then it inspires another to do the same and then another. I love that I am a part of this recycled energy belief system and here is a perfect example of how it works: A group of us that love each other, had so much love inside that we had to write a love song. We found other people we loved and we showed them the love song. These people loved the love song so much that they decided to recycle this love. Now there's a love triangle through a love connection that has also been opened up to all the people they love...

You can pre-order A&S's debut album "It's about Us" on iTunes, which has our love song (It's About Us) on it. Much, Much Love.‪#‎AllWeNeedIsLove ‪#‎MyTribe

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Learn The World's Rules So You Can Break Them Acordingly

Well... the suns hot, the water is warm, the surf is good, kids are home from school, BBQ's are fired up, good people and long days
at the beach... aside from Christmas, this is the most wonderful time of year!
We thought we would give you an update on whats new in the PCB camp.

First of all thank you to everyone that has donated to the "My Tribe" campaign!! Unfortunately we didn't reach our goal but that's not going to stop us from putting out another single, art, merchandise at shows, etc. until we whittle away at the full length album that will hopefully follow shortly after. The people that expressed their support mean more to me then anything on this Earth. Your actions are seen as a complete heart acting in love. You gave a part of your life to support a part of mine and if you know me and where I come from, this is a tremendous respect and I hold the greatest gratitude towards you. Please bare with us for the next few months as we build resources for the next album :)

We are pursuing new avenues of expression.....

I have felt this strong vibration in my personal life that has opened up a new part of my soul. As a people we are being held down by powers greater then us and it's only ourselves we can blame. Whether it's a job we feel we can't leave, an old/new relationship that brings us down, the fear that we are not strong enough to succeed or the fear of change. We hold ourselves back from the things we want and need and we don't even realize it. We will gladly blame society, the President, our boss but we never stop to think maybe it is us who needs to make the change. So that's what I'm doing now.
   For me it's the music business. Even though I have succeeded in the music business thus far and still participate, I'm convinced I can form a new method that is more rewarding for me and "My Tribe". When a young artist signs with a major label they now have to sign a 360 deal which means they advance you say 20k for living expenses and then you owe them that 20k plus all recording, touring, merchandising expenses that could add up to millions. This leaves the artists in debt and under the gun with having to conform to any request of that label.

I recently had a song placed on a popular main stream album that will be a great success for me and my brand. This is amazing! Although I am super grateful for this huge success, I don't want to loose sight of what's important to me as an artist...which is keeping things authentic and appealing to my "Homegrown" family. The way I can stay connected to my Homegrown roots is by cutting out the middle man and embarking on an adventure of bringing my music (for free) to fans in their back yard. So far 90% of our work has been under the radar and strictly word of mouth. The amazing people I work with and myself have been invited into; peoples houses, work spaces, farms, schools, charity fundraisers and hospitals to perform...these are the most rewarding for us. If you would like to be apart of this movement then please write us at for more info.

Our goal is to bring this music straight to the people who want it, no middle man, no fussing with the music promoters, radio, TV, music venues etc.
We know this will be a fun backyard adventure where community will come together to experience evenings of great music, friendship and fun!  

We do however respect the companies, radio stations, artists, producers, music venues and other affiliates we work with and we greatly honor our established relations even in this new adventure :)

For our greatest supporter KPRi we will be performing at this years Green Flash Concert Series on Sept. 17th w/ 
Show Info Here

You are more then what they tell you, you have a beautiful soul and the ability to do whatever your heart desires. As soon as we all realize this then we will be stronger then those that have held us down.

PCB loves you.